- DC native
- Graduate, Baltimore School of Massage
- Graduate, Zero Balancing Certification Program
- Graduate, Structural Myofascial Certification Program, PMTI
- The Trager® Approach, Certified practitioner
- Massage Cupping™ Certified Practitioner
- Burham Systems Facial Rejuvenation -Rejuv Miracles Practitioner
- BioEnergy Therapist, The Domancic Method of BioEnergy Healing
- Graduate, Boston University Program in Artisanry, Degree in Fine Arts in Ceramics
- Graduate, Connecticut College, BA in English
- Massage Crew volunteer, DC AIDS Ride 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001
- Volunteered at Walter Reed Army Medical Center doing Zero Balancing on wounded soldiers, family of soldiers and caregivers through the organization CAUSE – Comfort for America’s Uniformed Services
- Worked with HealingWorks (in 2011) doing Zero Balancing on Military Personnel, their families and Care Givers. HealingWorks seeks to help those touched by the trauma of war. www.Healingworkswell.org
- Completed Marine Corps Marathon in 1988 and 1995 and NYC Marathon in 1989
- Cyclist – AIDS Ride 1999 Raleigh, NC – Washington DC, Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride 2000 Fairbanks – Anchorage, Canada/US AIDS Vaccine Ride 2001 Montreal, Canada – Portland, ME
- Zero Balancing
- Massage
- Bioenergy Healing
- Chakra Energy Work
- Reiki
- Massage Cupping™
- Bellanina Facelift Massage
- Structural Myofascial Release
- Burnahm Systems Facial Rejuvenation
- Deep Massage: The Lauterstein Method – Levels 1 and 2
- The Trager® Approach
- Seminars/Classes that have deeply influenced my work
- Active Isolated Stretching with Aaron Mattes
- Scar Tissue Massage with Sharon Hancoff
- Unlocking the Secrets of the Skull (Advanced Zero Balancing Class)
- Fabulous Fulcrums (Advanced Zero Balancing Class)
- Connective Tissue Massage
- Facial Rejuvenation taught by Linda Burnham ND
- Massage Cupping™
- Structural Myofascial Release taught by Mike Duggan
- Deep Massage: The Lauterstein Method
- Touching the Spirit (Advanced Zero Balancing Class)
- The Trager® Approach
- Professional Member, American Massage Therapy Association
- Professional Member, Zero Balancing Health Association
- Professional Member, Association of Certified Massage Cupping™ Practitioners
- Proessional Member, United States Trager Association
- Licensed Massage Therapist in DC and MD